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 Holistic Life Coach

Helping you to thrive in life, both professionally and privately. Make an appointment if you think it is the right time to work on improving yourself, your life and impact people around you. 

Areas of Expertise

Coaching, Organizational skills, Planning, Time management, Crisis response, Health improvement through fruits, vegetables, herbs/spices, and wild food, Adopting New Habits, Effective Communication, Managing difficult situations, Managing challenging people, Building meaningful relationships, Resolving difficult situations, Problem-solving, Career development, Decision making, and many more.


Leading you through the path of exploration, by discovering new perspectives in your everyday challenges.   


I have managed different teams and succeeded in different environments due to all the knowledge, skills, and information I was lucky enough to obtain. I have been teaching university students, developing training programs for executives, and mentoring and coaching many professionals. My core competencies are effective communication, strategic thinking, perceptiveness, and empathy.

  • Book a free 15 minutes consultation with me by reaching out on the contact form.

  • Book a half-hour intake session to get to know each other and map out areas that we can start improving (700 cz).

  • You have already decided that you want me to be your partner on the development journey- book a one-hour standard coaching session (1300 czk)  


During our collaboration, the usage of tools and techniques will defer depending on the nature of the challenge that you are facing. We may be brainstorming, analyzing, and reflecting, visioning, making plans. I may be teaching you quick ways for improving productivity or you will learn how to slow down, breathe and hold space for yourself. Luckily I am a creative person with a quick brain, so you can get the maximum use of every session. Regardless of the challenges that we are working on is private or professional.




Contact Me

Reach out to book a session or ask a question. 

  • Book a free 15 minutes consultation with me by reaching out on the contact form.

  • Book a 30 minutes intake session to get to know each other and map out areas that we can start improving (700 cz).

  • You have already decided that you want me to be your partner on the development journey- book a 60 minutes coaching session (1300 czk)

Thanks for submitting! We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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